Body-emotions-thoughts. And a huge flow of energy through each one of them constantly. And we in everyday life are either overwhelmed emotionally; over think everything with great intensity; or are fixated on our bodies. Relaxation is concerned with balancing this dynamic energy within our body, emotions and thoughts. In this way the body is rejuvenated, emotions calm down, and the mind is cleansed.

Whether it is done in the morning to start the day energised, or during the day to renew and balance tensions or in the evening before we sleep to bring calm within us, relaxation is a simple procedure with immediate results. At the same time it is the first and elementary stage to deepen into the Self with meditation.

Relaxation & Meditation

Meditation is the Art of the Union. Union with the infinite possibilities that exist within us, with other people, with life itself. In its simplest but equally important form, we can look at any issue that concerns us spherically and with clarity. Being able to look at it from all sides, we are able to see the solutions and answers we are looking for.

This opens other avenues. It is finally revealed to us that there are no dead ends. And as we go further and deeper with meditation, and with it comes the revelation of the most essential knowledge: that we are much more than we think of ourselves. We are freed from the shackles of "I cannot" and "cannot". We discover the power and infinite possibility that already exists within us.

But we're talking about creative meditation. That is, in practice. Because what's the point of just realising something if you don't put it into practice in everyday life? So we create our own lives very simply by implementing what we experience and realize during meditation. Isn't it a creation to experience and convey joy? Isn't it a creation to spread the balance, the inner freedom, the belief that every problem can be overcome?

And finally... what else is creative meditation than to make and experience the joy of creation every second!