The Servers' Society Greece is a school. A school of thought and action, a place where its members have been working selflessly since 1980, studying and synthesizing all currents of human thought, creation, and expression.

The aim of its members is to find the essence of all these and apply it to everyday life in order to improve it. All its activities are carried out exclusively on the basis of voluntary offer.

The Society teaches a contemporary and living practical philosophy, originating from the Socratic “know thyself” and implemented into every aspect of daily life. Through knowing themselves and acquiring a new perspective of others and of life as a whole, its members can be active in life, overcome difficulties, be in union with others, and express their potential to be well.

And it is all about action. Simple, daily, essential action that brings immediate changes and improves our lives on all levels. Through very specific practical ways we can know ourselves and experience the magic of life while being active participants in it!

It teaches and believes in the greatness of the human being, and in the immense power that exists within each one of us. Its practical philosophy is for everyone with no exceptions, addressing all people irrespective of age, sex, education, or any other level.

The Servers’ Society UK Association and its activities are based on and inspired by the practical philosophy and selfless work of the non-profit society The Servers’ Society Greece.

To learn about The Servers’ Society in Athens Greece click here.